Cure anxiety by keeping in shape

Sports helped me out a lot to get over anxiety. I always felt a lot better after excercising. I always knew that. Research has shown that exercising reduces anxiety and panic attacks. Especially when the the exercise is aerobic. Exercises such as jogging, cycling and swimming have been shown to release hormones and increase your level of endorphins, the "feel-good chemicals", which boost your mood. This can help you to get over anxiety.

Regular and moderate excercise will help you get over anxiety, because it stimulates the blood circulation, which naturally relieves stress and tension.

After I read this I thought lets give it a try. So i tried to excersize everyday for at least thirty minutes a day (with two days for at least an hour per day).
At first I did not notice any difference but after two weeks, I started to notice that my body was fitter than ever and that the number of my anxiety and panic attacks went down. So obviously this will not cure your anxiety and fear disorders directly but it will over time. But it helped me to cure my anxiety over time.

The quality of your sleep will be better when you exercise during the day. And you will sleep longer! And having a better and longer quality sleep will also make you less anxious. And don't forget the nice side effects: you'll look better, fitter and you'll improve your overall health!

This really helps to get over anxiety, but you have to be dedicated!

1 replies:

Elizabeth J. Neal said...

This can help you to get over anxiety.

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